But...being as this is the time of the season, I wanted to point your way to two special gifties you all might enjoy.

You don't have a dollar? Well, don't fret. Pulpworks Press, the New Pulp publisher that presented the How The West Was Weird series--the weird western anthology that introduced my creations Don Cuevo and Doc Thunder to the world--has put together The Pulpworks Christmas Special 2012. It's a collection of great pulpy stories from Derrick Ferguson, Josh Reynolds, Joel Jenkins, and Russ Anderson. And it's absolutely free in electronic format (If you're a traditionalist, you can also purchase it for eight dollars from Amazon or Pulpworks Press' web site). Just go to the Pulpworks Press blog and follow the links.
Hey, it's Christmas-y, pulp-y fun for you, for less than a dollar--free is less than a dollar, right?--so get to clicking! And if you're a pulp author or publisher who has a similar special offer, let me know and I'll let my handful of readers know in turn!